I had a physio appointment today. I have been having rather horrible lower back pain and have started getting pain on the left side of my pelvis. Great appointment- loads of massaging and cold and hot compresses. Totally relaxing. Then I got fit for this gorgeous (sarcasm) back/pelvic support strap. Super sexy (sarcasm again)! I will have Ollie take a picture of me in it- that is if he can withstand the urge to ravish me with it on! Barbara, my physio, said she thought I looked brilliant. I was carrying really well- all to the front, my skin looks brilliant- no marks or stretches and once I was in the support she said 'wow, you've really kept your waist'. I didn't think I had a waist left.
So pregnancy is coming along well, I guess. Heartburn/indigestion is still plaguing me now and then and I'm exhausted most of the time. My feet, legs and hands are still pretty swollen. I'll get pictures up soon of them too. They just look ridiculous. I'm counting down the days until I go off on maternity. I finish on the 30th, taking 2 1/2 weeks of annual leave and then start my maternity 2 weeks early. I'm not back in work until the 2nd of June! Woo-hoo!! I can't wait. I have so much to do before the baby arrives. I’ll need to give a big clean to the room and want to sort through some boxes in the garage. I have 3 assignments for university to complete- I really want to get them out of the way before the baby arrives. This way I’ll only have the 1 exam to study for in January.
I’m keeping up with the pregnancy yoga and have another class tonight. Once I’m on maternity full time, I plan to take a nice long walk each day. We have a large park about 5 minutes walk from the house. I think the fresh air and light exercise will do me all of the good. And I’ve heard it’s the best thing for getting the wee one ready for arrival.
I just can’t wait! I started to get really excited around week 30. And now I know this little person will definitely be with us in less than 9 weeks. They will take me in for induction at 10 days over, but I’m really trying to stay positive that this little one will be sick of having no room and want to get out as soon as possible!
The baby is so active. I mean super active! They say the average is around 10 or 12 periods of movement a day. This kid is on twice as much. I’m sure I would complain if s/he weren’t moving about enough, but this baby is so strong and my ribs so sore! The people at work probably think I’m nuts because I’m always talking to my belly and saying ‘will you please give me some peace!’
Baby is comfortably laying downwards, with his/her head towards the left side of my pelvis and his/her back going up the right side of my belly. A few people commented today that they thought the baby was dropping, but I think I always carried pretty low and feel like I’m a bit higher than before if anything. I don’t know. I just can’t wait to hear the word ‘engaged’ and then I’ll start getting excited.