
Wednesday 5 September 2007

The Rash

I've been pretty lucky throughout my pregnancy. I didn't have any morning sickness. I didn't have any major issues with exhaustion or irritability (I'm sure Ollie would disagree). I've been a pretty smug mummy so far... until now. I have developed a horrible rash all over my belly. I thought it was brought on by switching from my Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion to Bio Oil, but I've not used that damn stuff in over a week and it's still here!

I visited the doctor last Friday and he gave me a hydro cortisone cream and said 'it's just folietus, an inflammation of the hair follicles'. What a load of crap. It's not gotten any better and the other night I could not sleep from the itching. So on Monday I booked another appointment and googled pregnancy rash. Big mistake. Why do I insist on self-diagnosis?? It's not a good thing for a semi-hypochondriac to do. I was convinced I had all of these ailments and was going to put my baby at risk. But I didn't stop there, I had to google image it as well. Lovely. So then I thought I would get the horrible rashes and lesions I saw. Stupid move, Reynolds, stupid move.

I saw a different doctor yesterday. She was lovely and took more time to listen to my concerns and skin rash medical history. She was about my age, I think. She phoned the maternity clinic to double check anything she prescribed me was okay for baby and confirmed that she thought it was a pregnancy rash as well. Unfortunately there's not much you can do. I don't have a severe case, it's more annoying than anything. I'm on an antihistamine and another cream. Hope it subsides at least.

Pictures of my lovely belly will follow shortly...

1 comment:

Heather-Anne said...

If it makes you feel better, my entire bikini area broke out in a rash and ingrown hairs for the entire pregnancy and is only now starting to get better. Horomones do wierd ass shit.