
Monday, 25 April 2011


The health visitor was here on Wednesday (one day shy of seven weeks old) to check on Cian's growth and development. He's a big boy measuring 62cms and a whopping 12lbs, 6ozs. He's around the 91st percentile for both his height and weight. Cian is full of smiles and cooing like mad. He's starting to lose his hair around the back and sides from moving his head around so much to see what's going on. We're still doing the combination feeding- nursing for 10-20 minutes and taking 4-5ozs of formula. I'm really struggling now with expressing and hardly manage to get an ounce out these days, but I'm probably just producing enough for his feeds. The health visitor was really impressed with his development and growth. We have his 8 week immunisations on Thursday and I'm really not looking forward to it! Poor little thing is bound to be cross with me for letting the doctor stick him with a needle.

Luckily, Bronagh (the health visitor) had a stadiometer in her car and the baby scales converted into stand on scales so we were able to see how big Liam is now. He is huge! 40.5 inches tall (91st percentile) and a massive 41.5 lbs (98th percentile)! She was so impressed with his development- he was talking to her like mad and wrote his name and Cian's for her. She couldn't believe he was only 3 years 4 months old.

Our big, beautiful and genius boys ;-)

1 comment:

Lora said...

you're doing great Lu! Cian is getting so big so fast. I remember how frustrating it was to not have a ton of milk to express, I hope it gets easier on you. (Or if you chose to give it up, you don't beat yourself up!)

I gave up trying to express, and felt like I wasn't "woman" enough to make enough milk to feed an army of babies and dragged myself through the dirt for awhile. It was awful, but Jake kept growing and growing despite the fact that I wasn't a milk maid.


Love to you and your gorgeous boys.