
Friday 31 August 2007

21 weeks, 5 days

I had my structural scan done this week. What an amazing experience! We spent more than an hour with the consultant looking at every little bit of the baby. We decided not to find out the sex- although I’m just dying to know!! Ollie said, ‘it’s a boy,’ because I guess he thought he saw a little pee-pee, but I think you might have to have a bit of training in order to see it with the naked eye. I couldn’t tell. We looked at the baby’s head and saw all the parts of the cranium and little brain inside developing. We looked at the spine and feet, legs, arms, hands. This baby is super active! I’ve been feeling him/her for a couple of weeks now, but the kicks and punches are getting so much stronger! We took a long time to look at the heart and could hear the heart beating. Checked out the kidneys and hips and took loads of measurements. This baby is pretty big- all of the estimates are putting him/her around 1 week ahead of schedule (hopefully, my delivery will be ahead of schedule too!). My placenta and uterus are both looking lovely- whatever that means. All in all we’re doing really well.

A few pictures of baby will be added shortly...

S/he wouldn’t give us a profile shot. Just kept looking straight in the direction of the scanner- such a poser! Moving his/her hands around like crazy. Kind of looks like s/he is waving…

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